Want to Sell Physical Products Online?

Don't Know Where to Start?

I have been there and done that.  After lots of trial and error, I've built a business online and I want to help you do that too.

It all starts with your website.  Let's cut through the nonsense, tech speak, and overwhelm and get right to the solution.

Zero to Ecommerce will walk you step-by-step through the process.

Course curriculum

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    • Welcome to Zero to Ecommerce
    • Store Setup Checklist
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    1 - Getting Started

    • M1L0 - Snapshot
    • M1L1 - Navigation and Planning
    • Navigation Plan Worksheet
    • M1L2 - Start Your Trial Store
    • Passwords
    • M1L3 - Dashboard Overview
    • M1L4 - Store Profile
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    2 - The Boring Stuff

    • M2L0 - Snapshot
    • M2L1 - Payments
    • M2L2 - Taxes
    • M2L3 - Shipping Zones
    • M2L4 - Shipping Options
    • M2L5 - Complex Shipping Notes
    • Dimensional Weight Reference Sheet
    • M2L6 - Set Up FedEx
    • M2L7 - Set Up UPS
    • M2L8 - Set Up USPS
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    3 - Add Content

    • M3L0 - Snapshot
    • M3L1 - Product Categories
    • M3L2 - Add Products
    • M3L3 - Options and Option Sets
    • M3L4 - Tracking Inventory
    • M3L5 - Options with Options
    • M3L6 - Add Web Pages
    • M3L7 - Add Blog
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    4 - The Fun Stuff

    • M4L0 - Snapshot
    • M4L1 - Add Logo & Favicon
    • M4L2 - Add Social Media
    • M4L3 - Pick a Theme
    • M4L4 - Intro to Theme Editor
    • M4L5 - Carousel
    • M4L6 - Coupon Codes
    • M4L7 - Marketing Banners
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    5 - Launching Your Store

    • M5L0 - Snapshot
    • M5L1 - Pick Payment Plan
    • M5L2 - Domain
    • M5L3 - Add Email
    • M5L4 - Launch Site and Test
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    Bonus - Use Your iPhone for Product Photos

    • B1L1 Intro
    • B1L2 Shooting Outdoors
    • B1L3 Using a Lightbox
    • B1L4 Using a Handcrafted Photo Booth
    • B1L5 The Results
    • B1L6 Using Photoshop to Remove the Background


Kate Dillon

Ecomm Coach

Kate Dillon

I'm known as the girl who sells race car parts. I entered the Ecommerce world in 2014. When I started my website, I thought, “just hire a web guy, gather the information, and it will all be done.” I was so wrong. The web guy fired me halfway through the project without the online store, so I was on my own. It was at that point that I became determined to take control, learn, and manage my store on my own. I've gone on to sell over 2 million dollars of product online.

Zero to Ecommerce

Get Started Today

You'll receive step-by-step lessons for building your website so you can start selling online. No tech experience needed.
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